Any interested 11th grade student will be able to take the SAT examination on Friday, March 14 at Schuylerville High School, at 9:00 a.m. The SAT is a globally recognized college admissions test that is accepted at all U.S. colleges. The SAT tests what students are already learning in classes and what they will use in college. Additionally, on test day students will be able to opt in to the Student Search Service, which connects them to numerous colleges and scholarship programs.
Students who would like to take the School Day SAT may sign up with Mrs. Lyon in Student Services no later than Monday, Jan. 27. The cost for the test is $60.00; the cost for students who are eligible for free/reduced-price lunch is $20.00. Checks may be made payable to Schuylerville Central School and should be submitted when signing up for the test in Student Services.
Please note: the SAT is being administered on a Superintendent’s Conference Day and transportation will not be provided by the district. Students interested in taking the test will be responsible for their own transportation to and from the school on Friday, March 14. The test is approximately two hours and 14 minutes, with an additional 10-minute break. Students will be dismissed at approximately 11:30 a.m.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Schuylerville High School Student Services at 518-695-3255 ext. 2239. Thank you for your support!
Carrie Bean
School Counselor
Grade 9
Internship & College Board Coordinator
Janine O’Brien
School Counselor
Grades 10-12, A-K
Sarah Rust
School Counselor
Grades 10-12, L-Z