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Board of Education

Schuylerville Central School District is governed by a seven-member elected Board of Education. Each board member serves on a volunteer basis. Members of Schuylerville’s Board of Education oversee the operations of the school district. They are elected by community residents for five-year terms and serve the district on a voluntary basis. You are eligible to run for a Board seat if you have resided in the district for at least one year prior to the vote, are at least 18 years of age and a United States citizen. Candidates must file nominating petitions with Board Clerk Jennifer Tompkins 30 days before the vote. The petition must be signed by qualified residents totaling at least two percent of those voting in the 2024 budget vote or 25 qualified residents (whichever is greater).

Board elections are typically held at the same time as budget votes. The next budget vote and board elections will be held May 20, 2025.

Contact The Board

If you’d like to speak with a member of the Schuylerville Board of Education, please call Board Clerk Jennifer Tompkins at (518) 695-3255, extension 3242 or send the Board an e-mail.

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