2024-25 School Year
Budget Details
- Vote: 671 yes to 295 no votes, 69% margin
- 204-25 budget: $39.4 million
- Budget increase: 2.62%
- Tax levy increase: 2.51%
2024 Board of Education Election
Voters elected two members to the Schuylerville CSD Board of Education for two, five-year terms beginning July 1, 2024. The seats will be held by Jennifer Moreau who received 733 votes, and Robert Thivierge who received 649 votes.
2023-24 School Year
Budget Details
- Vote: 515 yes to 102 no votes, 83% margin
- 2023-24 budget: $38.4 million
- Budget decrease: 0.63%
- Tax levy increase: 1.98%
2023 Board of Education Election
Voters elected three members to the Schuylerville CSD Board of Education:
- Two, five-year terms that began on July 1, 2023: Jamie Martin & Michele Renner
- One, one-year term that began on May 17, 2023 through June 30, 2024: Shaun Cumm
2022-23 School Year
Budget Details
- 2022-23 budget: $38.6 million
- Budget increase: 1.50%
- Tax levy increase: 1.32%
- Bus lease and land purchase propositions both passed
2022 Board of Education Election
Voters elected Michael Bodnar to a five-year term position that began on July 1, 2022.
2021-22 School Year
Budget Details
- 2021-22 budget: $38,037,598
- Budget increase: 1.53%
- Tax levy increase: 0.9%
2021 Board of Education Election
Voters elected Katie Brunson to a five-year term position that began on July 1, 2021.
2020-21 School Year
- 2020-21 Budget: $37,464,080
- Budget Increase: 3.4 percent
- Tax Levy Increase: 2.6 percent
- BOE Election: Voters elected Bernie Buff and Jack Macica to the Board of Education. Macica will fill the unexpired term of Mike Booth, beginning immediately on June 16, 2020 and expiring on June 30, 2021. Buff’s five-year term will begin on July 1, 2020.
2019-20 School Year
- 2019-20 Budget: $36,233,795
- Budget Increase: 1.95 percent
- Tax Levy Increase: 1.67 percent
- BOE Election: Voters elected Jessica Schwerd and Joanna Crowley to the Board of Education.
- Final Budget
2018-19 School Year
- 2018-19 Budget: $35,540,449
- Budget Increase: 1.98 percent
- Tax Levy Increase: 2.042 percent, which is compliant with the district’s maximum allowable tax levy increase of 2.042 percent
- Highlights:
- Maintains current programs and services for students
- Includes funding to create a School Resource Officer (SRO) position
BOE Election:
Voters elected Robert Thivierge and Matthias Donnelly to the Board of Education.
2017-18 School Year Budget
- Budget: $34.8 million
- Spending Increase: 2.10 percent
- Tax Levy Increase: 0 percent
- Maintains current programs and services for students
- Continues investment in literacy and technology with the continuation of a literacy coach and technology integration specialist.
BOE Election:
Voters elected Michael Bodnar and Stanley Barber to the Board of Education.
2016-17 School Year Budget
- Budget: $34.1 million
- Spending Increase: 1.29 percent
- Tax Levy Increase: 0 percent
- Maintains current programs and services for students
- Increases personnel, including a social studies teacher, a public information specialist/chief
information officer and a technology integration specialist - Expansion of the iPad program
BOE Election:
Incumbent Michael Booth re-elected.
2015-16 School Year Budget
- Budget: $33.7 million
- Spending Increase: 2.79 percent
- Tax Levy Increase: 1.3 percent
- Maintains current programs and services for students
- Restores a music teacher position, a reading teacher position and a social studies teacher position that were eliminated in the past.
BOE Election:
- Frank Nesbitt elected.
2014-15 School Year Budget
- Budget: $32.78 million
- Spending Increase: 2.24 percent
- Tax Levy Increase: 1.3 percent
- Restores programs and activities that were eliminated in the past, such as Middle School Book Club, Math League at the High School and MathCounts at the Elementary School.
- iPad initiative will expand to seventh grade
- Increase enrollment in TEC-SMART Clean Technologies & Sustainable Industries Early College Program
- Increase Elementary School physical education teacher to full time
BOE Election:
- Becky King and Jack Macica were elected.
Budget Links
Contact Us
Asst. Superintendent for Business
Christine Burke
(518) 695-3255 ext. 3251
District Treasurer
Lauren Leahy
(518) 695-3255, ext. 3259
Payroll Specialist
Saron Congdon
(518) 695-3255, ext. 3254
Tax Collector/Clerk
Barbara Lapitsky
(518) 695-3255, ext. 3253