Since 2020, the Schuylerville High School’s graduation ceremony has been held outside at Black Horse Stadium. The district seeks annual feedback about commencement, and this year, sent a survey to all Class of 2025 students and families about their preferences. The message the district continues to receive is that hosting the ceremony on campus is a special and unique experience for Schuylerville, and the school community is largely in support of it.
We are excited to announce that we have finalized our plans for Schuylerville High School’s 79th Commencement Ceremony honoring the Class of 2025. We will continue the practice of hosting our graduation ceremony on campus, utilizing Black Horse Stadium.
Class of 2025 Graduation Ceremony
- Black Horse Stadium
- Friday, June 20, 7:30 p.m.
- Rain date #1: Saturday, June 21, 11:00 a.m.
- If the weather poses an issue on Saturday, June 21, the ceremony will still be held on this date, but be moved inside to the Schuylerville High School auditorium.
Other Dates
- June 13: Seniors’ tailgate and drive-off
- June 16: Seniors’ last day of classes, senior slideshow, receipt of caps and gowns, senior walk-through, Lake George lunch cruise
- June 18: Graduation rehearsal, 11:00 a.m.
We are confident that all of our students will have completed their New York State graduation requirements before the graduation date. In the case a student earns an additional endorsement on their diploma after the graduation ceremony, we will update their diploma and the graduation program to reflect the changes.
If you have any questions please reach out.
Thank you,
James Ducharme
Schuylerville High School Principal
Dr. Ryan Sherman