Mission Statement | Student policies and services | Communications with parents | Elementary School Code of Conduct | Dignity for All Students Act | Classroom Rules and Consequences | Student Health and Safety
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to Schuylerville Elementary School and a new year! We are looking forward to working with you as we provide your child with innovative educational experiences. Our goal is to enable each child to achieve his or her personal best.
The Parent & Student Handbook gives families in our school community important information about our school and its programs. We ask that you read through the material here and review with your child the rules outlined for the bus, playground and school. Student expectations can be summarized by the following simple rules: treat others as you would like to be treated, respect other people’s property and personal space, be an active learner and follow directions. The content in our handbook will serve as an excellent frame of reference for you and your child throughout the school year.
The attendance policy is included in the handbook. Good attendance has a positive impact on learning and sets up a pattern to be followed in life. We will send home notices throughout the year to alert you to special testing dates and school events to assist you in planning ahead.
Parents are an integral part of our education program. By staying involved and well informed, you significantly contribute to your child’s educational program and experience at school. Parents as Educational Partners (PEP) is very active and supports our school programs in many ways. PEP sponsors many events for the children and their families throughout the school year. It is a very successful program, giving parents and children the opportunity to build relationships with each other and with the staff. When we work as a team, the positive results are endless.
Our school takes great pride in our exceptionally skilled and devoted staff. Schuylerville Elementary School has a warm and friendly atmosphere that fosters growth in all children. We are very proud of all that we do for the children, keeping them in the forefront of all of our decisions. The partnership that we cultivate is essential to your child’s success. We welcome and encourage you to work with us as partners in your child’s education. We thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to a successful and rewarding school year.
Stacy Marzullo, Principal
Schuylerville Elementary School Contact Information:
14 Spring St. Schuylerville, NY 12871
Phone: (518) 695-3255
Fax: (518) 695-6405
Our Mission Statement: Schooling, Caring, Succeeding
The Schuylerville Central School District’s mission of schooling, caring and succeeding is a mission for all of our students. The academic achievement and development of the whole child is the driving force in enriching opportunities for all students through academics and extracurricular activities.
Student policies and services
Scheduled visits by parents are always welcome in the Schuylerville Elementary School. All visitors to the school must report to the main office using the buzzer system, sign the visitor’s register and obtain a visitor’s pass, which must be displayed at all times. The visitor must sign out at the conclusion of the visit.
Visitors are not to visit other areas of the school unless a pre-arranged appointment has been made. We ask that visitors only travel to the designated area to which they signed in at the main office. We appreciate your assistance in maintaining a safe learning environment for the Schuylerville learning community.
School begins 9:00 a.m.
Dismissal begins 3:15 p.m.
**We ask that dismissal changes be made by 10:00 a.m. to allow for adequate preparedness. Any student leaving school early must be signed out at the main office with the attendance clerk.
Excused vs. unexcused absences and tardiness
It is each student’s basic responsibility as a member of the school community to be on time and attend all classes. Daily telephone calls will be made to parents or guardians to confirm unreported absences.
The following reasons for pupil absences, tardiness and early departure shall be considered by the Board of Education to be excused:
- illness;
- illness or death in the family;
- unsafe travel conditions;
- religious observance;
- medical appointments;
- required court appearances;
- participation in a school sponsored activity;
The district will support and encourage a student’s efforts to maintain or improve school attendance. Each student has a right to educational opportunities that will enable the student to develop his or her fullest potential. Attendance policies are based on the principle that regular school attendance maximizes the student’s interaction with his or her teachers and peers and is a major component of academic success. Successful implementation of any attendance policy requires cooperation among all members of the education community, including parents, students, teachers, administrators and support staff.
We urge parents to make children’s nonemergency medical and dental appointments either after school, on weekends or during vacation periods.
If your child will be absent from school, late to school or dismissed early, please notify the attendance/dismissal clerk at (518) 695-3255, ext. 1225, prior to 9:00 a.m.
Good attendance affects learning. Attendance data will be analyzed periodically to identify patterns or trends in student absences.
School closing and delays
The superintendent of schools may decide to cancel or delay the start of school in the event of severe weather, hazardous road conditions or other emergency. School closings or delays will first be announced on the district website as well as on local television stations. You will also be notified by email and text via SchoolMessenger, the district’s mass communication system.
Schuylerville Central School District prides itself on maintaining excellent communication with students’ families and the community. ParentSquare is the new school-to-home communication system for school news and announcements, replacing SchoolMessenger. ParentSquare is also Education Law § 2-d compliant, a student data privacy and security law that requires the protection of students’ personally identifiable information from unauthorized disclosure.
Parents/guardians are connected to Parent Square through SchoolTool, the district’s student information management system and parent portal. If any information changes in SchoolTool, those changes will automatically be carried over to Parent Square every 24 hours. In order for Parent Square to send you communications, your information must be up to date in SchoolTool.
Parents/guardians can Sign in to ParentSquare to activate their account and update ParentSquare preferences for receiving communication. All ParentSquare users are encouraged to download the ParentSquare mobile app, a free download:
Once downloaded, ParentSquare offers the following options:
- Receive messages from the school via email, text, phone call or app notifications
- Choose to receive information as it is sent or all at once with a daily digest that evening
- Communicate in your preferred language
Change of Personal Information
For emergency purposes, the school must have up-to-date information on each student. Please notify the main office of any changes of address. Also, please notify the main office of any changes in phone numbers, including work and cell phones.
Change in Transportation
The district provides student transportation to and from your home. Students will be picked up and dropped off at their scheduled stop unless the school is informed in writing. If the change is long term, please be sure to complete the “Change in Dismissal” form in the event that your child needs to be picked up and/or dropped off at another location.
Report Cards and Conferences
Report cards and parent/teacher conferences are planned throughout the year for grades K-5, at which time parents will learn about their child’s progress in class.
Requesting Assignments for Students Who are Ill
If your child is absent from school and you feel that he or she is capable of working on assignments during an illness, you may request work. Please call the attendance clerk (ext. 1225) and indicate if the work is to be sent home with another child or if you plan to pick it up yourself by 4 p.m. The teachers will do their best to accommodate you. (Teachers will be sure to have assignments ready for you to pick up by 3:30 p.m.)
School Food Service
Please visit the district website to learn about the food services program and to access monthly lunch menus. Also, feel free to contact Director of Food Service Sarah Keen at (518) 695-3255, ext. 2290, if you have any questions.
Elementary School Code of Conduct
Students learn the “Three B’s” across all school settings. Students are expected to Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe in all areas of the school setting including the classroom, hallways, cafeteria, playground, and bus.
- Treat others with respect.
- Respect other people’s property.
- Keep everyone safe.
- Be an active and responsible learner.
School is a place where children can learn the importance of following the rules. All of us benefit from
living, working, and growing together by knowing how we should and should not act. At Schuylerville
Elementary, we offer support, trust, and understanding along with the enforcement of rules as a way of
helping children learn appropriate behavior. Together, these elements give students the opportunity to
acquire the habits and attitudes required to become positive, productive members of a community.
Proceed with this link to view the Code of Conduct.
Prohibited Student Conduct
Students may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension from school, when they engage in conduct that is:
- disorderly, including language or gestures that are profane, lewd, vulgar or abusive, or engaging in any willful act which disrupts the normal operation of the school community;
- insubordinate, including failing to comply with the reasonable directions of staff members or otherwise demonstrating disrespect, tardiness, missing and/or leaving school without permission;
- disruptive, including failing to comply with the reasonable directions of school personnel in charge of students;
- violent, including committing an act of violence such as hitting, kicking, punching, biting and scratching upon a staff member or student; possessing a weapon; displaying what appears to be a weapon; threatening to use any weapon or what appears to be a weapon; and intentionally damaging or destroying school property or property belonging to another student or staff member;
- endangering the safety, health, or welfare of others, including, but not limited to, lying to school personnel, stealing the property of others, discrimination as a basis for treating another in a negative manner, or harassment that is intended to be perceived as ridiculing or demeaning;
- misconduct while on the school bus, including excessive noise, pushing, shoving, fighting and actions prohibited in school;
- bullying. No form of bullying will be tolerated in the Schuylerville Elementary School. The definition of bullying is as follows:
Bullying is a conscious, willful, deliberate activity intended to harm in which the bully uses power to cause pain and/or misery. It may include as its focus, but is not limited to, physical attributes, mental ability/disability, race, ethnicity, weight, religious practice, gender, sexual orientation (or perceived sexual orientation), socio-economic status or other differences (perceived or real). It includes all forms of hazing and cyberbullying that may have an effect on our school environment. It can be and often is continuous and repeated, but does not have to be. Once is enough to constitute bullying.
Voice Level Indicators
- Level 0- No Talking
- Level 1- Whisper
- Level 2- Table Talk
- Level 3- Outdoor/Presenter Voice
Schuylerville Central School District Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) Plain Language Summary
In accordance with the Dignity for All Students Act (effective July 1, 2012) the Schuylerville Board of Education recognizes that a safe and supportive learning environment is essential for promoting student attendance and academic achievement. Incidents of discrimination and harassment, including, but not limited to, bullying, taunting and intimidation, can interfere with a student’s ability to learn and the district’s ability to educate its students. Therefore, the district is committed to creating an environment that is free of discrimination and harassment and will promote civility throughout the school to prevent and prohibit conduct that is inconsistent with that goal.
The district prohibits all forms of discrimination and harassment of students by school employees or other students on school property, at school-sponsored activities and events that take place off school property. The district prohibits all forms of discrimination and harassment based on actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion or religious practice, disability, sexual orientation or gender.
Students who fail to act in a respectful, dignified and civil manner toward others while on school property or at a school-sponsored function, may be subject to formal disciplinary action, including a referral, detention, in-school suspension, short-term out-of-school suspension or long-term out-of-school suspension.
- Students have the right to take part in all district activities on an equal basis, regardless of actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion or religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, or gender.
- Students have the right to be protected from intimidation, harassment or discrimination based on actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion or religious practice, disability, sexual orientation or gender by school employees or other students.
- Students have the responsibility to respect one another and treat each other fairly, civilly and with dignity according to the District Code of Conduct, other district policies and the Dignity for All Students Act.
- Students have the responsibility to promote an environment that is free from intimidation, harassment, or discrimination.
- Students have the responsibility to report incidents of discrimination and harassment that are experienced, witnessed or otherwise brought to their attention. Incidents are to be reported in a timely manner to the building administrator and/or Dignity Act coordinator.
- Parents/guardians have the responsibility to teach their children respect and dignity toward themselves and others, regardless of actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion or religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, or gender.
- Parents have the responsibility to report incidents of discrimination and harassment that are witnessed or otherwise brought to their attention. Incidents are to be reported in a timely manner to the building administrator and/or Dignity Act coordinator.
- School employees have a responsibility to maintain a climate of mutual respect and dignity.
- School employees have the responsibility to confront issues of discrimination and harassment or any situation that threatens the emotional or physical health or safety of any student, school employee or any person who is lawfully on school grounds or at a school-sponsored event.
- School employees have the responsibility to address personal biases that may prevent equal treatment of all students in the school or classroom setting.
- School employees have the responsibility to report incidents of discrimination and harassment that are witnessed or otherwise brought to their attention. Incidents are to be reported in a timely manner to the building administrator and/or Dignity Act coordinator.
At least one staff member in each school will be thoroughly trained to handle human relations in the areas of race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion or religious practice, disability, sexual orientation or gender. The Dignity Act coordinator will be accessible to students and staff members for consultation and advice regarding the expectations of the Dignity for All Students Act.
Elementary School
Stacy Marzullo
Cassandra Luthringer
Middle School
Mary Kate Elsworth
Erin Welch
High School
James Ducharme
Nate Kocak
The classroom is the prime learning environment of the school. Students are expected to uphold the three B’s: Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be responsible in all areas of the school setting. It is a student’s responsibility to put forth their best effort every day and all day. Students should know the expected behaviors and rules for their classroom set forth by their teachers. These rules assist students in making classrooms a good place to learn and a happy place to be.
The consequences for inappropriate conduct are developed to help make our elementary school a safe, clean, and happy place to learn, work and play together. The rules apply everywhere in our school including the playground, cafeteria, bus, and any school function.
- Parents will be notified of any problem.
- Students may have to stay for after-school detention.
- Students may have lunch detention.
- Students may have a meeting with the principal.
- Parents may have a meeting with the principal.
To make lunchtime more enjoyable for everyone, all students should:
- respect the cafeteria staff, each other and each other’s personal space;
- walk in the cafeteria;
- talk in quiet, conversational voices;
- eat food in an acceptable manner;
- keep hands and feet to yourself;
- clean up the area after eating;
- keep uneaten food on trays and empty trays carefully; and
- remain seated until dismissed by the teacher.
A student should:
- sit where an adult in charge instructs and remain seated during assembly. If the need arises, the
- student leaves only with permission from the supervising adult;
- watch and listen to performances and speakers; and
- leave at the end of the assembly in an orderly fashion, following the directions of the adult in charge.
For the safety of all, students when in the hallways are expected to:
- remain silent and walk in a straight line;
- keep hands to themselves; and
- maintain personal space.
Students will have the opportunity to go outside for recess throughout the school year. For the safety and enjoyment of all students at recess, students are expected to wear sneakers or closed toe shoes and do the following:
- stay on the designated playground or area with their teacher;
- respect others, take turns, share and allow others to play;
- maintain a safe distance from playground equipment while it is being used by others;
- stay away from icy/muddy areas;
- refrain from using foul language, offensive names or put-downs;
- refrain from roughhousing and keep hands to themselves; and
- dress appropriately for the weather.
Students are expected to:
- show respect by always listening to the school bus driver, who is in charge of getting students to school and home safely;
- be safe, no “horseplay,” talking back or any form of defiance is allowed on the bus or at the bus stop, including abusive language, fighting, yelling, whistling or throwing snowballs.
- keep head, hands, feet and property inside the bus windows. Students will sit properly while riding on the bus. Keep hands, feet and belongings out of the aisle while on the bus;
- keep the inside of the bus clean;
- not eat or drink on buses;
- never tamper with the emergency windows or door;
- remain seated without pushing, changing seats or throwing things on the bus;
- wait to cross the road until the driver signals that it is okay; and
- wait for the bus, without standing too close to the road.
Discipline problems will be referred in writing by the bus driver to the school principal. All school rules apply while students are riding the buses. All students riding school buses are expected to maintain good conduct while traveling.
Students should not bring anything on the bus that is bigger than they can hold. Parents should arrange to transport very large musical instruments, school projects and so forth. It is extremely important that students do not eat on the bus due to the growing number of children with severe allergies.
Cell phones, smart watches, tablets, flash lights, laser lights, electronic games, portable music devices and other electronic devices are prohibited in the classroom. Toys and other personal materials coming to school also present a number of problems, including loss, breakage and theft. We would prefer that parents discourage children from bringing toys and other items to school. The school district is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items. Teachers may permit certain types of toys, games or equipment to be brought to school in certain circumstances. Please follow the teacher’s instructions.
Student health and safety
A child’s ability to learn is influenced by his or her health. The school provides both health assessment
and health information to enhance the quality of education and the quality of life for the students.
These rules are to ensure the safety of students and employees of the district while on district property.
All students and members of the school community must:
- immediately report any conditions involving equipment or buildings that may be dangerous to student or employee health or welfare; and
- immediately report any unsafe practices by anyone in the building or on the grounds.
First aid is given to students throughout the school day by the school nurse or authorized personnel for injuries that occur during the school day. Medical treatment of a previous injury or condition can occur only with orders from the student’s physician along with parent permission. Students should not be sent to school for diagnosis and/or treatment of an injury sustained during non-school hours.
If you suspect your child may be ill, please do not send him or her to school. Some considerations:
- A child’s temperature should be normal without medication (Tylenol or Advil) for 24 hours before he or she returns to school.
- Your child’s pediatrician is the best source of information and advice regarding your child’s health or illness. You are also welcome to call the health office at (518) 695-3255, ext. 1220/1229, with any questions you may have.
Medications can be administered by the school nurse under the following guidelines:
- Written permission from both the parent/guardian and physician is required for the school to administer medication as per New York State Education Law. All medications including over the counter preparations, such as Tylenol, Advil, cough drops, and topical ointments require permission from both the physician and parent/guardian.
- The doctor’s order needs to include the name of the student, the name of the medication, dose, route, and time to be administered during the school day.
- An adult must bring the medication to school in the original container. The container must be properly labeled with the correct name of student, name of the medicine, dose, time to be administered, etc. A child cannot transport medication back and forth to school due to the danger of loss or accidental misuse of the medication.
If your child is taking medication at home that may affect their school performance or wellness, please notify the health office.
Our staff has been trained to manage children’s health concerns, but would like to request your support by asking you to send in snacks that do not contain nuts, peanuts and/or peanut butter. Only fruits, vegetables and pre-packaged foods that have no peanut or nut ingredients will be allowed in the classroom.
Please read all labels for any peanuts, peanut butter, peanut oil, peanut flour or any other nuts. If a label says, “may contain peanut peanuts/nuts,” “made in a facility that processes peanuts/nuts,” or “manufactured on equipment that processes peanuts/nuts,” then the product is not guaranteed safe by the company and will not be permitted in the classroom. Please see a list of foods to avoid below. Students may bring peanut/nut products for lunch as lunches are stored outside the classroom.
Physical education and physical activity are important parts of a student’s school experience and total health. If you feel your child is unable to participate in physical education due to accident or illness, you must request that your child be excused from the day’s PE class in writing. A doctor’s note is required for a child who must be out of gym class for an extended period of time (more than one week). For a child who has been excused from PE for an extended period of time, a physician’s note is also required in order for the student to return to class.
It is important that the school has accurate and up-to-date information in the event of an emergency illness or injury that may occur at school.
Elementary Links
Elementary School Contact
14 Spring Street
Schuylerville, NY 12871
Phone (518) 695-3255
Principal: Stacy Marzullo
Assistant Principal: Jordan Tezanos
Attendance: (518) 695-3255, ext. 1225
School hours: 9 a.m. to 3:20 p.m.