Home » Elementary supply drop-off: Sept. 4

Elementary supply drop-off: Sept. 4

This summer, the elementary school has had many exciting projects taking place, in addition to the regular summer maintenance that occurs annually, including:

  • Painting of vents and shelving in 30 rooms
  • Installation of VRF ventilation systems in 37 rooms to help with humidity and comfort
  • 16 room assignment changes to allow for grade levels to cluster closer together and allow for flexible spaces for special education resource rooms. 

Due to the nature of the work, classroom cleaning and preparation work will continue to take place during the last week of August, as well as on the district’s Superintendent Conference Days (Sept. 3 and Sept. 4.) These days will be used to prepare the classrooms for your child(ren)’s first day of school. 

On Wednesday, Sept. 4, visitors to the building will be restricted to faculty, staff, new student orientation, UPK Meet the Teacher, and kindergarten orientation. Thanks to the generosity of PEP, the supply lists are much smaller for families this year. If you would like to bring your child(ren)’s supplies on Sept. 4, they can be dropped off at the main entrance from 1:00-2:30 p.m. There will be staff and tables at the front entrance to collect and deliver your child(ren)’s supplies to their classrooms; please label all supplies with your child’s teacher’s name. You can also send in the supplies with your child on the first day of school. 

Thank you for your cooperation and support. I am so excited to see the students on Thursday, Sept. 5 for the first day of school!

Stacy Marzullo
Elementary School Principal
