Home » High school junior to advance to national SkillsUSA competition

High school junior to advance to national SkillsUSA competition

Several Schuylerville High School students participated in the NYS SkillsUSA Leadership and Skills Championships, held at the NYS Fairgrounds in Syracuse. The focus and goal of the Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES Career and Technical Education (CTE) division programs is preparing tomorrow’s skilled workforce today, with students often competing at a local, regional and state level. The competitions highlight what students have learned and exemplify their proficiencies.


  • Austin Prouty: 1st place, HVAC
  • Claire Pelletier-Hoblock: 2nd place, Job Interview
  • Adrianna Cozzolino: 3rd place, Crime Scene Investigation Team of 3
Austin Prouty will advance to the SkillsUSA national competition.
Austin Prouty will advance to the SkillsUSA national competition.

Schuylerville High School junior Austin Prouty will advance to the SkillsUSA National Competition, to be held in Atlanta, GA June 20-25. WSWHE BOCES Career and Technical Education teacher Jeff Rescott, says Austin has a unique ability to think at a different level.

“Austin stood out to me from the beginning,” said Rescott. “He has a great analytical mind and incredible common sense that he applies to his work. He’s consistently engaged in class and is always asking questions. Austin has proven himself to be a leader. I am so excited for him to experience and compete at the national competition.”
