The Post Star’s Teen Excellence Awards identify high school students who demonstrate individual growth, leadership development, and serve as exceptional role models in their communities. These individuals also embody a significant level of innovation, leadership and achievement that goes beyond academics and athletics. Congratulations to Schuylerville High School senior, Sadie Tavares, who was selected by the Post Star as a 2022 recipient! Click here to see the full list of honorees.
About Sadie

Sadie is enrolled in one of the most demanding academic programs Schuylerville High School offers. She has established herself as a leader in the classroom and is highly respected by both her peers and school staff. Sadie is a member of various clubs and participates in a variety of activities, volunteers with her church, and is a peer tutor within the school community. She encourages and inspires students while supporting their academic journey, and approaches all that she does with tremendous energy and positivity.
Personal inspiration
“My family is a huge part of my life and they are my biggest inspiration. My parents have never failed to give a helping hand to anyone in need. They inspire me to be kind daily and have motivated me to pursue a career that will alleviate pain and bring hope to the ones who need it most.”
Biggest accomplishment
Research work at the Neural Stem Cell Institute (NSCI)
“I am so grateful to have been given this opportunity to study with such an incredible group of scientists and researchers. Prior to starting my internship, I thoroughly researched stem cell diseases. Currently, my lab group and I are working on stem cell research dealing with Huntington’s disease to hopefully lead to a successful therapeutic antibody in the future.”
Goals, dreams & aspirations
Studying genetic disease
“I aspire to dedicate my life to studying genetic disease and learning how to manipulate the genome in the womb, or even post birth. I want to something that will change the world; something that will improve others’ lives. I dream that one day I am going to see space and study extraterrestrial organisms that thrive interstellar. I hope to see the world and immerse myself within different cultures.”