Home » March 20 budget update

March 20 budget update

Historically, the Schuylerville CSD Board of Education adopts the district’s annual budget during its March business meeting, and then awaits for the final NYS budget to be voted on by April 1. After the adoption of the state budget, public schools receive their final foundation aid numbers, the primary source of funding. However, with such severe projected losses in foundation aid, the Schuylerville Board of Education moved its planned adoption of the 2024-25 budget from March 18 to April 15. 

During the March 18 business meeting, Assistant Superintendent for Business, Christine Burke, gave an update to the public on the state of the 2024-25 budget so far.

From the 2023-24 budget to the 2024-25 budget, the following will have a major impact on projected expenses:

  • 0.27% increase to teacher retirement system benefits 
  • 2.10% increase to employee retirement system benefits 
  • Negotiated salary increase for the Schuylerville Teachers’ Union
  • 17.25% increase of employee and retiree health insurance costs
  • 3% increase to WSWHE BOCES CTE tuition. In addition, 11 students’ tuition was previously funded through Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER).
  • The addition of two special education teaching positions to the annual budget that were previously funded in the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) grant. Because of student need, these positions are proposed to become permanent. However, one position will take the place of an elementary special education teacher who resigned mid-year, resulting in only one salary addition to the budget.
  • Projected, but not yet solidified, increases to the CSEA contract.

In addition, at this juncture, Schuylerville is projected to lose 17.23% of its foundation aid from the previous year, leading to a projected 5.71% decrease in overall revenue from the 2023-24 budget. Advocacy efforts have been underway to restore the “Hold Harmless” provision in the state budget, which has historically guaranteed school districts receive no less foundation aid than they did the previous year. However, even if the Hold Harmless provision is restored, Schuylerville still has a $1,601,495 budget deficit for the 2024-25 school year (detailed by the projected expenses listed above.)

The 2024-25 Schuylerville CSD budget, with its very definitive and large budget deficit, presents an extremely challenging circumstance. The district is working through various potential budget cuts based on the deficit, all of which will be presented during the April 15 Board of Education meeting. Without final state aid figures, it would be premature to detail any proposed cuts to the Schuylerville CSD budget at this time, however, we wanted to give the public a budget update with the information we currently have.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Thank you,

James Ducharme
Acting Superintendent

Christine Burke
Assistant Superintendent for Business 

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