Home » Middle School Drama Club production to be held March 4 & 5

Middle School Drama Club production to be held March 4 & 5

30 reasons not to be in a playThe Middle School Drama Club will perform 30 Reasons Not To Be In a Play on March 4 and 5 at 7:00 p.m. in the Schuylerville High School auditorium, under the direction of Jodi Ogburn and Ivy Rechak. Click here for a video preview of the show.

  • $6.00: students and senior citizens
  • $10.00: adults
Middle school students rehearse for the spring 2022 drama club production.
Middle school students rehearse for the spring 2022 drama club production.

Stage kisses, pink eye, inciting World War III: these are only a few of the many things that can go wrong during the production of a play.  Author Alan Haehnel gives audiences a full evening of the horrors and hardships that befall those who feel the call of the stage. In a series of hilarious examples, this play proves that drama can be a very dangerous thing and it must be avoided at all costs.


Those who cannot attend in person also have the option to watch a livestream of the production! There are two different links, one for each show.  The cost for streaming is $9.99.