At the Dec. 16 Board of Education meeting, Bill McMordie from Saratoga Project Management, Inc. gave a presentation to the public outlining the scope and vision of Schuylerville CSD’s next capital project proposal. The project is part of the district’s commitment to continuous improvement, protecting the community’s investment in school buildings, and meeting the evolving needs of students, staff, and residents.
“The proposed project is designed to tackle items that were left out of previous initiatives and address new priorities that have emerged,” said Superintendent Dr. Ryan Sherman. “Since the district’s last major project concluded in 2019, several areas have been identified as needing attention.”
Proposed Scope of Work
The proposed scope of work includes significant improvements to site infrastructure. The phasing of work will span from the summer of 2027, through the 2027-28 school year, and into the summer of 2028.
Main Parking Lot:
- Reconstruct the existing parking lot with an asphalt and stone subbase.
- Study circulation patterns for safety and efficiency.
- Separate bus and car traffic.
- Shift student parking spaces to the north parking lot.
- Widen the access road to the rear of the middle school.
Elementary School
- Construct a concrete walk from the building door to the playscape.
- Paint, update, and enhance the main lobby entrance.
- Replace classroom cabinet doors & countertops.
- Replace lockers for grades 4 & 5.
- Add LED lighting into several classrooms.
- Add new gym wall pads, main court and side court basketball backboards/rims, and paint the gym
High School
- Paint, update, and enhance the main lobby entrance.
- Renovate chemistry and physics rooms.
- Replace lockers.
General Work
- Asbestos abatement
Financial Impact
One of the key features of the project is its financial approach. The district is strategically planning the timeline of the proposed capital project to align with the expiration of existing bonds. This financial strategy ensures that the proposed improvements can be funded with minimal to no additional tax burden on the community. Definitive cost estimates will be presented to the public in January.
“School buildings are a cornerstone of the community, and maintaining them is crucial to their longevity and functionality,” said Dr. Sherman. “The proposed project underscores the district’s dedication to safeguarding these assets while adapting them to current needs. This approach ensures that Schuylerville’s schools remain state-of-the-art, fostering a productive learning environment and supporting the broader community.”
Looking Ahead
Next Steps:
- Presentation to BOE: Final Scope, Cost & Schedule: January 13
- SEQRA (State Environmental Quality Review Act) Resolution Adoption by BOE: January 13
- BOE Resolution: Set the Vote Date & Cost: February 10
- Referendum Vote: May 20