Schuylerville Elementary School recognized World Autism Month with a week-long awareness campaign, inviting students and staff to further their own understanding of autism and promote kindness. Through a variety of activities and conversations, students learned more about the difference between awareness and acceptance, ways to include others, and ways to communicate with others who have trouble communicating. The goal is to make an awareness month become a lifelong thing!
Festivities were kicked with a breakfast organized by the Special Education department, Physical Education classes running “sensory stations”, and library classes reading books about autism.
Throughout the week, students and staff participated in a series of “Dress-Up for Differences” days, each with a unique, positive, and upbeat focus, as well as a daily challenge.
Monday: Team Up for Autism Day: Kick off the week by celebrating with your favorite sports team apparel. We may like different teams, but we are all on the same team when it comes to including others! Today’s Challenge: Give someone a compliment on their talent or strength!

Tuesday: Neurodiversity Day: To celebrate the beauty in the diverse spectrum of the human mind, wear rainbow and/or tie-dyed clothes to school. Today’s Challenge: Notice yourself. What’s different about you?
Wednesday: What’s Your Passion Wednesday: One characteristic of autism can be to show incredibly focused passion for topics of interest. What are you passionate about? Dress up to show something you love. Be creative! (some examples: Pokemon, sports, Harry Potter, art, music, superheroes, animals, etc.) Today’s Challenge: Start a conversation with someone about their passion!
Thursday: Put Bullying to Bed: People with autism often have a variety of sensory sensitivities. Dress up today in your most comfy-clothes (school appropriate sweatpants, pajamas, etc.)
Friday: Go Blue: Blue represents Autism Awareness month. Throw on as much blue as you can to show your support! Let’s “Blue Out” the school! Today’s Challenge: Go out of your way to include someone else!

“Autism awareness is critical for dispelling myths and misconceptions regarding the illness,” said Schuylerville Elementary teacher Casey Anderson. “Awareness helps to educate others about autism, how it impacts those who have it, can assist with minimizing stigma and discrimination, and ultimately foster a community of inclusive students.”
Schuylerville’s awareness week culminated with a “Blowing Bubbles for Autism” event on the school’s sidewalk, an enjoyable, shared experience for all students.
“We are building an environment where students with Autism Spectrum Disorder learn, socialize, and grow in their own unique way,” said Schuylerville Elementary Principal Stacy Marzullo. “With awareness, acceptance, and the appropriate support, children with ASD can reach their incredible potential.”