Class of 2024 senior Jenna Hart officially signed with the United States Military Academy at West Point to swim at the collegiate level, and plans to major in life science on a pre-med track. In addition, Hart’s dedication to her studies resulted in her accomplishment of Class of 2024 Salutatorian. She was an Adirondack Swimming year-round swimmer for 11 years, in addition to swimming for Burnt-Hills Ballston Lake Central School District during her senior year. Hart was a state qualifier in nine events, a state finalist in four events, and a qualifier for USA Futures Championship in five events.
“I’ve dreamed of swimming at the collegiate level the entire time I have swam,” said Hart. “It’s a big accomplishment and I’m very excited to be part of the team at West Point. The team really inspired me; I feel like everyone there is humble and works hard and I’m very excited to be part of that community.”