Schuylerville High School senior, Christopher Buettner performed in the Mixed Choir at the 2023 Eastern Division Honors Festival. The event was sponsored by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) and hosted by the New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA).

Buettner was among 200 students selected from school music programs across the state, joining a total of 600 students who participated from schools across the east coast. Buettner is the only Schuylerville student in 23 years who has represented the district at this prestigious event.
“The experience was awesome!” said Buettner. “It was incredible to be able to perform with such amazing singers. I’m super grateful to Ms. Ogburn for getting me to this level.”
Buettner will be attending SUNY Fredonia in the fall to pursue a BFA in Musical Theater.