Class of 2019 Schuylerville CSD graduate, Private First Class Justin Decker returned home to surprise his younger brother, sixth grade student Bradley Decker at Black Horse Stadium on Monday, Sept. 13. It was PFC Decker’s first time home since leaving for bootcamp on Nov. 16, 2020. The surprise event was coordinated by faculty, staff, and the family, after students observed a moment of silence to remember the victims and fallen American heroes who tragically died on Sept. 11.
Justin Decker attended bootcamp in Parris Island, South Carolina. He graduated on February 26, 2021 and was briefly stationed in Pensacola, Florida for his A-School. PFC Decker then went to Camp Pendleton, California for his C-School, and was transferred to New River, North Carolina soon after. He is currently an airframer on Huey and Cobra helicopters.

In addition to surprising his younger brother, PFC Decker also surprised the Weed family, close friends who have three children in the Schuylerville school district.
“When they said his name, I looked around for a second and then I saw him, said Bradley. “I was just overwhelmed with tears.”
“It means a lot, especially being here at the school I graduated from a few years ago,” added Justin. “Being able to surprise my brother on the same field I played football on means the world.”